Welcome to the Clydesdale Horse Society
The pictures which we are delighted to have permission to use to head up this page are:-
- to the left Howgillside Blossom (owned and bred by Jackie Marshall & Christine Halliday) and female Cawdor Cup Winner at the 2024 Royal Highland Show
- and to the right Dillars Caledonia (owned by Bob Hamilton and Bred by Jim and Linzi Kennedy) and male Cawdor Cup Winner at the 2025 National Stallion Show.
The excellent photographs are courtesy of Amanda Stewart, to whom we are greatly indebted.
The aim of the Clydesdale Horse Society is to maintain the purity of the breed and to promote the Clydesdale Horse.
The Clydesdale Horse Society was initiated on the eve of the Glasgow Stallion Show on the last Tuesday of February 1877. The Society was formally launched in June 1877. The first, or retrospective, volume of the Clydesdale Horse Stud Book was published the following December. By this time the breed was known to have been in existence for 150 years.