Membership of Clydesdale Horse Society

So You Would Like to Become a Member of The Clydesdale Horse Society

Thank you for showing an interest in joining our Society and we would be absolutely delighted to have you on Board. 

Membership subscriptions are due on January 1 and members who have not paid by March 31 in any current year are deemed to be lapsed members of the Society. The rates for 2024 are:

  • Life - £800
  • Annual - £40
  • Junior - £10
  • Overseas - £45

Most people take out an annual membership. The annual subscription costs £40 each year after the initial year one £50 (which includes a £10 joining fee). We ask folks to pay their subscription year on year, after the initial £50 payment, by standing order.

People sometimes ask 'what would I get for my membership' and we always answer this with a rather repetitive but important statement.  

Our Society exists to promote, preserve and do our utmost to keep alive this wonderful Breed of Horse.  We are an vulnerable risk breed under Rare Breed Survival Trust categorisations, and we invest and reinvest considerable sums every year into breeding to help support our breeders in their breeding efforts. 

So in paying your subscription you are helping us to fund this work and we make no apology for making this statement, which is fundamental to our very existence.

The Clydesdale Horse Society is a not-for-profit Charity and as a member of the Society you will enjoy various benefits:

  • The overall commitment of the Society through the President and the Council and involvement in a local area linked to your postcode area.
  • Regular newsletters.
  • Preferential rates for registration (£50 for registering colts and £105 for registering fillies, as opposed to  the standard fee of £100 and £210 respectively); and for  transfer (£15 instead of £25).  Please also note that if you choose to become a breeder you will need to register a stud prefix with us - please let me know if you need more information on this - a stud prefix costs £40 for a lifetime prefix and requires a separate application form.
  • Exhibiting at the Clydesdale Horse Society Annual Show known as our Winter Fair as well as exhibiting at classes at the Royal Highland Show.
  • The right to vote for the Council.
  • The right to attend the Annual General Meeting and vote on issues raised.

We do hope that this answers questions you may have and if we can assist further please do not hesitate to contact Ian Roy, Secretary. (Details below).

All you have to do to join is to download and complete the undernoted membership form plus the attached standing order form and return to me either with a cheque (or cash) for £50 or by transferring £50 to our bank account.  This is then approved by Council (which is more of a rubber stamping exercise than anything else) and that's you on board.  The Secretary will then write to you to confirm your membership.  Council is currently meeting 'electronically' for such matters and our next meeting will be later this month.

Having paid your first £50, your standing order should be set up to kick in on 1 January 2025.

Membership Of Chs Why Join

Joining is simple

Just complete the following membership form

Membership Application 2024

and return to:

The Secretary 
Ian A Roy, BA.
7 Turretbank Place, CRIEFF, PH7 4LS.
07720 895870

[email protected]

Bank Details:
Sort Code: 80-02-78
Account number: 00604757
IBAN: GB44 BOFS 8002 7800 6047 57

Payments for subscriptions must be made by Standing Order for all new memberships taken out after 1 April 2019. For people who are persistently late in paying their subscriptions the Society reserves the right to require that a standing order is completed.

The Standing Order form can be downloaded below. Upon completion of the standing order form, please send it to the Secretary who will forward to your bank and who will send you confirmation that this has been done. 

Standing Order Mandate 1 Jan 2026